What is Dental Implant Restoration?

A dental implant is specifically designed to replace one or more teeth within your mouth. Implants are often made of titanium, and they are surgically inserted into the jawbone. Over the course of a couple of months, the implant itself will fuse with the bone, becoming a solid and stable part of your smile. We can then place single crowns, bridges or even full dentures over the freshly healed implants.

At Holistic Dental Associates, we believe it is important to test for biocompatibility prior to inserting any kind of implant into the body. While 97% of our patients test compatible with zirconia implants, the same percentage test incompatible with titanium. And a small percentage are not compatible with either. We are also believers in medical freedom of choice, so if a patient chooses to get an implant and they are not compatible with it, that is their decision and we will fully support them.

Why would a Dental Implant Restoration be needed?

Dental implant restoration is often needed if you're missing one or more of your natural teeth. Missing dentition can be more than just a cosmetic issue. It might be difficult for you to eat, chew and even speak if you're missing enough of your smile. Fortunately, dental implants can replace what you're lacking so that your smile and quality of life is improved. The beauty of dental implants is that they are a single tooth solution for a single tooth problem. They do not destroy surrounding teeth, and they do not decay. And once they are fully integrated into the bone, you can chew on them as if it was your original tooth.

Who is a candidate for Dental Implants Restoration?

Dental implants work best for patients who have solid, healthy bone in the area where the zirconia posts are going to be placed. X-rays allow us to see these areas and to make note of any signs of bone loss. If you suffer from bone loss or have low-lying sinuses, we may recommend either a bone grafting or sinus lift as a way to successfully place the implants. Implants can last for decades without showing signs of wear or damage.

What happens during the process of Dental Implants Restoration?

The process of dental implants begins with either anesthetic or sedative to relax you during the surgery. We then create an incision through the gums and create a small hole into the jawbone. The zirconia implant post is placed and you'll come in regularly for checkup visits. This new implant will undergo a process known as osseointegration in the course of three to six months. Once the implant fuses with the jawbone, we can have you come back in to have a crown, bridge or denture made and placed on top of it.

If you would like to learn more about restoring your smile with dental implants, call us today to schedule a convenient consultation appointment.